Christina Tarkoff Oil Paintings

Every Painting Tells A Story

curbside pickup

Curbside Earring Sale!

Christina Tarkoff

Art Earrings Curbside Pickup Sale Video (1 minute 23 seconds.)

In March 2020, I began to make earrings in preparation for the Spring & Summer Art Shows and festivals. Well, as we all know, the COVID19 quarantine, social distancing, and plain-old common sense prohibit all the shows and festivals from taking place until further notice.

So, I was thinking, how can I get these earrings from my studio into your ears…


All Curbside Pick-Up Earrings are $20

Just in time for Mom’s Day!

Gift yourself. We all deserve something a little special during these trying times of COVID19!

Enjoy! Stay Safe. Stay Well.