Christina Tarkoff Oil Paintings

Every Painting Tells A Story

Christina’s Outdoor Art Gallery

“To affect the quality of the day, that is the highest of arts.”

—Henry David Thoreau  


Since the coronavirus pandemic quarantine, I see lots of families and walkers, and bicycles passing by the corner where I live. Everyone is spending time with their families, getting some fresh air, and basically avoiding going crazy during these "stay at home" times.

I was trying to think of ways to make folks feel connected with each other, without violating the Covid restrictions!

So, I created …. “Christina’s Outdoor Art Gallery!”

My home office, a converted porch also sits on the corner of our property. While watching all the folks pass by, I started thinking about how all the museums, art shows, and festivals are either canceled or postponed and how there are all these folks right outside my door! And, how can I add a smile to their day and break the monotony of day after day of having nowhere to escape!

I had this nutty idea to make an Outdoor Art Gallery to spread some smiles and a bit of cheer during these times of too much sickness and too much dying. (Click on photo above to view the video.)

It is so exciting to see all the adults and kids stopping, looking and taking photos of the art! It’s amazing! It makes the passers-by happy and it makes me happy!

I am honored to have received personal handwritten notes and emails telling me how the Outdoor gallery has given folks hope and comfort during these uncertain times. The kind words from folks I don’t even know, makes my heart sing! I cherish these thoughtful gestures.

I hope you enjoy the 1-minute video!