Christina Tarkoff Oil Paintings

Every Painting Tells A Story

With my paintings, I tell stories that cross traditional barriers such as gender, age, income, education & race to help us understand the most important art of all — the art of being human.”


Why Art Makes The Perfect Gift…

  1. Art is Personal

  2. Art is Memorable

  3. Art is Thoughtful

  4. Art is Beautiful

  5. Art Lasts a Lifetime

  6. Art is Unlike Any Other Gift

  7. Art is the thing people don’t think they need until they receive it!

For those of you who follow me — Hello! For those of you that are new, my name is Christina Tarkoff. I am an artist who lives and works in the United States with studios in Pennsylvania and Florida. My work leverages realistic depictions of “The Art of Being Human.” Each piece tells a story filled with bold color and emotion — and hopefully, you will relate to the paintings you see here!

I have won numerous awards in Philadelphia and Florida. My work hangs in collections in the United States, Canada, and Europe.

Thank you for checking out my work. I’d love for you to purchase an original painting or drawing in honor of all the places and the folks I depict in my work.

If you have been eyeing a painting to purchase for yourself or as a gift — Please let me know!


You can view my work by scrolling down the page!


Women Who Shatter Barriers

Trailblazing women who break down barriers and lead the way for future generations.

Lives Lost - Uvalde

21 Lives Lost

The children & teachers of Uvalde.

PLEASE NOTE:21 Lives Lost Portraits” are Not For Sale.
The portraits are a labor of love. I will be donating or somehow using them to make an impact.

Beautiful New Work from Christina Tarkoff


Introducing Pet Portaits. Take a look!


Finding Joy

Art to Make You Smile!

Soulful Portraits

to Inpire You.

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Classic Nude

“We must recognize the fact that the foot is nobler than the shoe, and skin more beautiful than the garment with which it is clothed. “


Nature’s Bounty

Fruit, vegetables, flowers! Enjoy Nature’s Bounty



From my backyard (PHILADELPHIA) to Old Havana & Beyond!


Art & Poetry

Awaken Your Senses.

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Before They Were Gone

Artists We Will Always Love!

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Streets of Philadelphia

Musicians, artists, sports teams, children running through fountains. Philly has it all!


Art in Black & White

Enjoy the spontaneity & bold strokes of charcoal art.