Christina Tarkoff Oil Paintings

Every Painting Tells A Story

  • 6 inch Philadelphia Eagles Coaster Tiles

6 inch Philadelphia Eagles Coaster Tiles

Copy of Philadelphia Eagles Superbowl Marble Coaster Tiles

6 inch Philadelphia Eagles Coaster Tiles


Images of my original paintings are meticulously designed and hand-crafted onto 4 inch & 6 inch marble tiles.  Water & Heat resistant. The images are sealed onto the tiles with multiple layers of protective sealer.

About the tiles:
I adhere images of my original oil paintings onto marble tiles. The images are sealed with 4 coats of protective acrylic sealer. Felt pads are applied to the underside of the tile/coaster to protect your furniture. These coaster/tiles are not just for pretty. They are functional!!!

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Images of my original paintings are meticulously designed and hand-crafted onto 4 inch & 6 inch marble tiles.  Water & Heat resistant. The images are sealed onto the tiles with multiple layers of protective sealer.

About the tiles:
I adhere images of my original oil paintings onto marble tiles. The images are sealed with 4 coats of protective acrylic sealer. Felt pads are applied to the underside of the tile/coaster to protect your furniture. These coaster/tiles are not just for pretty. They are functional!!!