Ready for paint!
"Dilworth Splash," pencil sketch on canvas, 18x24, work in progress
Dilworth Splash!
I played and played with the composition for "Dilworth Splash."
A few days ago I finally committed to proceed with the composition you see above. I do most of my experimenting with sketches, cuz for me, COMPOSITION IS KING.
When deciding on my composition, I consider these factors:
- What action each character is doing
- How each character interacts in relation to the overall scene
- How each character interacts with each other
- Is the background setting meaningful to the characters
- Is the background setting colorful and interesting to the viewer
and most importantly; - Do I love this "work in progress" enough to spend the next month or two of my life dedicated to it!
I hope you like the start to "Dilworth Splash." I will post work-in-progress photos on my FB Page and IG account.