Christina Tarkoff Oil Paintings

Every Painting Tells A Story

"Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life." —Pablo Picasso

Christina Tarkoff

"Alanna Writing At Window." Oil on Canvas Panel. 8x10 inches.

I needed to make a quiet and tranquil painting this week to offset all the panic. This little painting was perfect. It was a bit of a challenge... (continue reading.)

“Alanna Writing at Window.” Oil on Canvas Panel. 8x10 in.

“Alanna Writing at Window.” Oil on Canvas Panel. 8x10 in.

And, then, I started a painting full of joy! Hint!

The title is “Dilworth Splash #2.”

“Dilworth Splash #2.” Oil on Stretched Canvas. 24x18 inches WORK IN PROGRESS

“Dilworth Splash #2.” Oil on Stretched Canvas. 24x18 inches WORK IN PROGRESS

I am hoping to work on the Dilworth painting and finish it up in few days!