Christina Tarkoff Oil Paintings

Every Painting Tells A Story


“Broken English” - Why Art is Important

Portraits, Women Who Shatter BarrierChristina Tarkoff

Rupi Kaur is an Indian-born Canadian contemporary performance poet & artist. Her audience is mostly young women. I was introduced to Ms Kaur by my Millennial daughter. I love poetry and I love Rupi Kaur’s poetry.

We recently watched “Rupi Kaur Live.” Ms. Kaur performed her poetry during the live stream. One of the poems she performed, “Broken English,” brought tears to my eyes. The message of her poem, “Broken English,” is…DO NOT MAKE FUN OF MY BEAUTIFUL, SMART, HARD-WORKING mother just because she speaks a second language with an accent.

The poem touched my heart strings because when I was probably 10 or 12 years old, my family took a trip to visit relatives in Erie, PA. Generally, when we would visit Erie, we would also visit Niagra Falls. Well, on this trip to Erie, my Italian-born US citizen grandfather was with us. My grandfather forgot his US Passport at home and did not want my father to drive over into Canada because he did not have his US Passport. My dad (born in US) assured my grandfather everything would be fine and we proceeded to enjoy our day on the Canadian side of Niagara Falls. Until, at the border entering the US. The customs agent made us all speak where we were born. My grandfather, with his Italian accent explained he was born in Italy, but has been a US citizen for over 40 years. The customs agent replied, “Well then why do you speak that way!” I can remember that scene like it was yesterday. I wanted to scream at that agent “You are a complete fool.” My grandfather was a smart, talented, and accomplished tailor. How dare that big brawny agent speak to him that way! So, it was especially sad to me that Rupi Kaur today in the 21st century wrote a poem about what her mom faces everyday.

Although not much has changed, Ms. Kaur, is reminding the world through her poetry, that all people are human, have value, and just because they are a bit different on the outside, does not mean they have less value.

I haven’t made a portrait of my grandfather yet, but it’s in my queue! I’ll let you know!!!

Thanks for reading! Have an artful week!